Fitness Kettlebells for CrossFit

Fitness Kettlebells for CrossFit

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Suspendisse feugiat metus eget vestibulum aliquam. Vestibulum fringilla vitae orci at egestas. Phasellus molestie ex eget diam accumsan luctus. Sed dapibus metus at aliquam luctus. Mauris turpis nisi, egestas non enim et, gravida rutrum mauris. Aenean sollicitudin pretium urna nec congue. Sed eu metus faucibus, cursus lacus vel, consequat est. Donec nec ipsum quis sapien tincidunt faucibus et at magna. Nullam elementum blandit eros, at molestie justo. Proin venenatis bibendum viverra.



Kettlebells are ideal for powerwalks, group exercises, bodybuilding, conditioning strengthening muscles, alleviating stress, physical therapy and other general exercises.
Vinyl coat increase durability, reduce noise, protect flooring, enhance appearance and is easy to clean.
Flat bottom prevents rolling and make weights easily storable.
Black enamel painted handle fit comfortably in your hands. Made of high quality cast iron – built to last
Total Weight: 8kg – Manufacturers Warranty Included (12 Months) – Dimension: (33×29.5×43.5cm)

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Total Weight: 8kg


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